
We’ve Got You!

Our Team offers experienced legal representation to help you navigate all aspects of your divorce.

  • Child Custody and Parenting Plans: We will work with you to create a parenting plan that prioritizes your children's best interests and addresses their needs for stability and consistency.

  • Child Support: We will ensure your children receive the financial support they deserve, both during the divorce proceedings and moving forward.

  • Spousal Support: We can advise you on your eligibility for spousal support and advocate for a fair and equitable outcome.

  • Division of Assets and Debts: We will guide you through the process of identifying marital vs. separate property and dividing it fairly.

Considering Alternatives to a Traditional Divorce Proceeding?

  • Do you and your spouse still share some common ground and are willing to work together?

  • Are there religious or personal reasons why divorce may not be an option?

  • Do you have minor children and want to prioritize an amicable co-parenting arrangement?

  • Are you and your spouse fully informed about finances, assets, and debts?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, exploring alternatives to divorce may be a good option.

Common Alternatives

  • Legal Separation: This formal process allows you to live separately while remaining legally married. A court order outlines issues like child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division.  If you have religious considerations that render divorce an unfavorable option, this legal process might be available to meet your needs for separation while still remaining married.

  • Annulment: In rare cases, a court may declare a marriage invalid if it meets specific criteria.  The annulment process effectively determines a marriage never occurred.  However, depending on the length of the relationship where parties “thought” they were married, there may still be property division questions that need to be resolved.

  • Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements: These contracts outline financial and property obligations in the event of separation or divorce.

  • Collaborative Divorce: This approach uses a team of lawyers and a neutral facilitator to guide spouses through negotiations and reach mutually agreeable solutions outside of court to obtain a legal divorce, cutting out most of the litigation steps.

  • Summary Proceedings: Similar to collaborative divorce, this process allows amicable parties to bypass the litigation process. In some circumstances, summary proceedings can also be used to reduce the statutory required “waiting” period (the Court may never grant a divorce sooner than 60 days following filing of a complaint; reduction of the 6-month waiting period is at the permission of the Court for good cause). 

We will help you explore all options to find the most efficient and cost-effective way to resolve your case.